Sharing time and experiences in times of pandemic

When we started this project, the first thing we did was try to define the meaning of our brand. After some reflections, we came to the conclusion that everything we proposed had to do with the idea of sharing time and experiences with our sons and daughters. We did not pretend to be original and even less transcendental, but we did defend the quality of certain experiences.

We never imagined that 4 years later we would experience a situation like the current one and that “sharing time and experiences” would take on a new dimension. The reality of a global pandemic has forced us into lockdown, and for the first time, many fathers, mothers, sons and daughters have shared time and experiences full-time, 24 hours, day after day. It has not been easy, it is not, but surely in many families some precious opportunities have also become evident.

We do not ignore the negative part of this whole pandemic situation, but in the face of fear, anxiety and frustration, some shared moments have been more effective than the long-awaited vaccine.

And while it is true that the drama experienced by some does not allow for concessions, it is also true that not appreciating what has been offered to others would be a mistake.